About Us
We are a provider of services to the NHS for diagnostic ultrasound.

- Common conditions diagnosed: fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, gall stones, gallbladder polyps, enlarged spleens, renal stones, renal hydronephrosis and aortic aneurysm. It can also be reassuring to know everything is normal.
- Preparation: This is an external scan and we will ask you to fast for 6 hours and to drink water and attend the scan with a full bladder.
- Price: £130

- What do we look at: A Renal Scan or urinary system will assess the kidneys and bladder. In male patient we can sometime image the prostate gland.
- Common conditions diagnosed: kidney stones, hydronephrosis, simple renal cysts, angiomyolipoma, thickened bladder walls, post residual bladder volumes, bladder diverticula, enlarged prostate. It can also be reassuring to know everything is normal.
- Preparation: This is an external scan and we will ask you to drink water and attend the scan with a full bladder.
- Price: £130

- What do we look at: A Pelvic Scan is predominantly a female based scan and will assess the uterus and ovaries. It can be used during IVF treatment to assess the endometrial thickness and ovarian follicles.
- Common conditions diagnosed: fibroids, adenomyosis, endometrioma, simple ovarian cysts, haemorrhagic ovarian cysts and Dermoid cysts. It can also be reassuring to know everything is normal.
- Preparation: For the external (trans-abdominal) scan we will ask you to drink water and attend the scan with a full bladder. Sometime optimal imaging is best obtains by performing an internal (trans-vaginal) scan, if this is required we will ask you to empty your bladder.
- Price: £130

- What do we look at: The Aorta Scan will specifically target the abdominal aorta and checks to see if there’s a bulge or swelling in the aorta, the main blood vessel that runs from your heart down through your tummy. Men aged 65 or over are most at risk of getting AAAs and screening via the NHS will be offered. For those falling outside the NHS screening guidelines this simple test is available. Screening can help spot a swelling in the aorta early, when it can usually be treated.
- Common condition diagnosed: aortic aneurysm. It can also be reassuring to know everything is normal.
- Preparation: This is an external scan and we will ask you to fast for 6 hours and to drink water and attend the scan with a full bladder.
- Further information: Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- Price: £60

- What do we look at: The Testicular Scan will look at both testis, epididymi, scrotal sac and surrounding blood vessels.
- Common condition diagnosed: Simple epididymal cysts, hydroceles, varicoceles, scrotal calcification, micro testicular calcification, tumours. It can also be reassuring to know everything is normal.
- Preparation: this is an external scan and no specific preparation is required.
- Price: £130

- Our body is a road map of arteries, veins and capillaries. Ultrasound imaging is a non-invasive method of assessing the general patency and performance of these vessels. Scans performed include carotid artery screening and imaging for potential deep vein thrombosis (DVT). If you are worried about any part of your body don’t hesitate to call us – we will be happy to advise.

- What do we look at: A Musculoskeletal Scan is an examination of a musculoskeletal structures including soft tissue lumps, muscle, tendons and joints. Common areas include; shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles and feet.
- Common condition diagnosed: Tendon tears, tendinitis, muscle tears, masses or fluid collections, ligament sprains or tears, inflammation or fluid (effusions) within the bursae and joints, benign and malignant soft tissue tumours.
- Preparation: this is an external scan and no specific preparation is required.
- Further information: send to sports medicine page.
- Price: £130

- What do we look at: A Soft Tissue Lump & Bump Scan is a specific targeted ultrasound to examine the soft tissues surrounding a lump, bump or swellings on the body. Ultrasound can determine whether the lump is cystic (fluid-filled) or solid.
- Common condition diagnosed: Ganglion cysts, Hernias, Foreign bodies in the soft tissues (such as splinters or glass), Lipomas and general soft tissue lumps.
- Preparation: this is an external scan and no specific preparation is required.
- Further information: send to sports medicine page.
- Price: £130

Testes or scrotal
The first line method for examining the testicles and surrounding tissues.

Small Parts
In the medical world we bracket small organs such as thyroid and salivary glands into a group known as ‘small parts’ imaging.
Testes or scrotal
The first line method for examining the testicles and surrounding tissues.
Small Parts
In the medical world we bracket small organs such as thyroid and salivary glands into a group known as ‘small parts’ imaging.
Ask your GP to search for "this is my" on the Choose and Book system.
If you are accessing our service direct from your GP via the AQP service we have a number of community GP practice locations across our CCG area within Calderdale & Kirklees offering access to all patients registered with the NHS within this commissioned service area. We have locations with easy accessibility to ensure that the majority of patients will travel less than 20 minutes to their nearest location with many locations having easy free parking.
We also provide ultrasound services for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust.
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust scans are performed at our office at 93 Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5QN.
Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Trust scans are performed at Fearnley Mill Suite 213, 2nd Floor, Fearnley Mill , Old Lane, Halifax, HX3 5WP.
Calderdale & Greater Huddersfield GP AQP services are performed at: Fearnley Mill Suite 213, 2nd Floor, Fearnley Mill , Old Lane, Halifax, HX3 5WP or Bankfield Surgery, 15 Huddersfield Rd, Elland HX5 9BA
this is my : healthcare provides a Radiologist Consultant Led Ultrasound service. We have a team of employed advanced clinical ultrasound specialists (we do not use bank agency staff) and our lead radiologist is Dr Steve Kennish, (Consultant Radiologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals). Our Consultant Radiologist and Advanced Clinical Ultrasound Specialists work together to scan, diagnose and where necessary arrange appropriate onward care should you need it. We have a robust clinical framework and are happy to respond to any clinical queries from referrers or patients.
Under AQP rules we can scan:
Renal Tract
Scrotal / testicular
Lump & Bumps
For abdominal, pelvic and renal scans you will be asked to fast or refrain from eating for 6 hours prior to your scan. This helps reduce tummy gas to enable us to visualise internal organs more clearly.
For pelvic scan we may also perform an internal or transvaginal scan. This will be discussed with you at the time of your appointment.
For all other scans no specific preparation is needed.
We will inform you when booking your appointment what specific preparation is needed for your scan.
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