About Lumps & Bumps Scans

The purpose of this ultrasound scan is to assess and examine the soft tissues at an area of concern where you feel an unusual lump.

There can be a wide range of reasons for the scan, including :

  • To confirm presence of lump causing discomfort
  • Infection (localised / focal)
  • Inflammation (localised / focal)
  • Swelling (localised / focal)
  • Lipoma
  • Cysts
  • Ganglions
  • Fluid
  • Abscess
  • Lymph Gland
  • Suspicious lumps

Price: £130

About The Scans

The purpose of this ultrasound scan is to assess and examine the soft tissues at an area of concern where you feel an unusual lump. There can be a wide range of reasons for the scan, including :

  • To confirm presence of lump causing discomfort
  • Infection (localised / focal)
  • Inflammation (localised / focal)
  • Swelling (localised / focal)
  • Lipoma
  • Cysts
  • Ganglions
  • Fluid
  • Abscess
  • Lymph Gland
  • Suspicious lumps