About Us

We are a provider of services to the NHS for diagnostic ultrasound.

this is my: healthcare is a provider of services to the NHS for diagnostic ultrasound. It holds an Any Qualified Provider (AQP) contract with local Primary Care Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and is also a sub-contractor for secondary care for NHS Trust Hospitals.
The Any Qualified Provider Ultrasound Service scheme means that, for some conditions, patients are able to choose from a range of approved providers, including hospitals or a contracted high quality AQP provider like ourselves.
The aim of the AQP ultrasound service is to aid quick access to appointments for ultrasound scans. This in turn leads to earlier diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment, avoiding the need for unnecessary referral to secondary care clinicians for conditions that can be appropriately managed within a Primary Care setting. It can also speed up the process for receiving treatment when needed within the hospital secondary care environment. All in all it improves fast access to healthcare.
Any Qualified Provider means that when patients are referred for an ultrasound, usually by their GP, for a particular scan of a body part, the patient can choose from a list of qualified providers who meet NHS service quality requirements, prices and normal contractual obligations.
Sometimes your GP may feel that your scan is best performed via your local hospital. With increasing demand for ultrasound scans many hospitals are unable to cope with the number of requests they receive, and ask this is my: healthcare to work with them to perform your scan. We report this directly back to the hospital and they then liaise with you and your GP directly in relation to any further treatment and care you may require.
You no longer have to go to the hospital for your ultrasound scan.
this is my: NHS scans in many local GP practices…. Ask your GP about our service.
We offer a bookable service via Choose and Book – usually with much shorter waiting times than other NHS facilities.
Ask your GP to search for “this is my” on the Choose and Book system.



Our services



For abdominal pain and discomfort.

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For pain in the upper abdomen or lower back pain , below the ribs or in the lower abdomen



For pelvic pain and abnormalities.


For abdominal pain and discomfort.


For pain in the upper abdomen or lower back pain , below the ribs or in the lower abdomen


For pelvic pain and abnormalities.



Screening scans to asses the health of your aorta.

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Testes or scrotal

The first line method for examining the testicles and surrounding tissues.


Small Parts

In the medical world we bracket small organs such as thyroid and salivary glands into a group known as ‘small parts’ imaging.


Screening scans to asses the health of your aorta.

Testes or scrotal

The first line method for examining the testicles and surrounding tissues.

Small Parts

In the medical world we bracket small organs such as thyroid and salivary glands into a group known as ‘small parts’ imaging.



Scans for arteries, veins and capillaries.



For joints and sporting ailments.


Lumps & Bumps

To assess the soft tissues at an area of concern where you feel an unusual lump.


Scans for arteries, veins and capillaries.


For joints and sporting ailments.

Lumps & Bumps

To assess the soft tissues at an area of concern where you feel an unusual lump.


Ask your GP to search for "this is my" on the Choose and Book system.

If you are accessing our service direct from your GP via the AQP service we have a number of community GP practice locations across our CCG area within Calderdale & Kirklees offering access to all patients registered with the NHS within this commissioned service area. We have locations with easy accessibility to ensure that the majority of patients will travel less than 20 minutes to their nearest location with many locations having easy free parking.

We also provide ultrasound services for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust.

Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust scans are performed at our office at 93 Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5QN.

Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Trust scans are performed at Fearnley Mill Suite 213, 2nd Floor, Fearnley Mill , Old Lane, Halifax, HX3 5WP.

Calderdale & Greater Huddersfield GP AQP services are performed at: Fearnley Mill Suite 213, 2nd Floor, Fearnley Mill , Old Lane, Halifax, HX3 5WP or Bankfield Surgery, 15 Huddersfield Rd, Elland HX5 9BA

this is my : healthcare provides a Radiologist Consultant Led Ultrasound service. We have a team of employed advanced clinical ultrasound specialists (we do not use bank agency staff) and our lead radiologist is Dr Steve Kennish, (Consultant Radiologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals). Our Consultant Radiologist and Advanced Clinical Ultrasound Specialists work together to scan, diagnose and where necessary arrange appropriate onward care should you need it. We have a robust clinical framework and are happy to respond to any clinical queries from referrers or patients.

Under AQP rules we can scan:
Renal Tract
Scrotal / testicular
Lump & Bumps

If you have booked your scan direct with us via your GP then in line with service level AQP contracts once we have received your ultrasound scan referral we will contact you within 5 working days to offer an appointment. The scan appointment will usually then be within 10 working days, with most patients typically seen within 5 days, and the report sent back to the GP within 6 – 24 hours after the scan.
Providing the service from multiple locations means that not only will patients be able to access a scan locally but the appointment waiting time will be very short.
For Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust hospital appointments we will contact you once we have received your referral. You will be offered a choice of appointments usually with 5 working days.
For Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Trust hospital appointments you will be contact via the hospital appointments booking system.
GP’s and patients can ask to be referred direct to our services via:
1: Electronic Referral System.
E-Referral : URBN
this is my: nhs is indirectly bookable
2: Email referral letter to: 
3: Fax referral letter to:
0113 262 1658

For abdominal, pelvic and renal scans you will be asked to fast or refrain from eating for 6 hours prior to your scan. This helps reduce tummy gas to enable us to visualise internal organs more clearly.

For pelvic scan we may also perform an internal or transvaginal scan. This will be discussed with you at the time of your appointment.

For all other scans no specific preparation is needed.

We will inform you when booking your appointment what specific preparation is needed for your scan.

We are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and maintain the NHS IGSoC (information governance) standards for connection to N3/HSCN and the NHS network for e-referral and NHS mail.
To maintain the above accreditation we complete internal and external audits of all our policies and processes.
CQC provider id 1-157040996


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