About Us
Medically supported pregnancy scans
We believe that your pregnancy needs and deserves medical care. We are not a boutique baby scanning service. Our medical expertise is your reassurance. All our scans comes with:
- Gestational age.
- Fetal measurements.
- Fetal growth and well-being assessment.
- Fetal umbilical and uterine artery blood flow (+24 weeks).
- Estimated due date (EDD).
- Medical report.
- Printed Images.
- Optional gender information (+16 weeks).
- Optional gender reveal card for you to open when you want.
- Optional moving and still images on USB (+£20).
- Optional heart beat bear: various choices & colours available (+£20).
what we offer
Our Services

- NIPT sequencing report
- Optional gender information.
- Optional gender reveal information for you to open when you want.
- Price from £250

- Price £80 singleton / twins +£40

Is it a boy or a girl? This ultrasound scan will tell you just that. The best time to have your gender scan or fetal sexing scan is from 16 weeks of pregnancy onwards and will accurately diagnose the correct gender in 98% of cases.
- Price £80 singleton / twins +£40
- Medical report
- 4 printed images
- Fetal measurements
- Fetal well-being
- Liquor assessment
- Placental site
- Presentation
- Dating/EDD
- Gender information
- Myfree4Dview option

- Price £80 singleton / twins +£40

- Price: Singleton £60 / twins: +£40

1st Trimester Package
- Price: Singleton: £200 / twins +£100
All Trimester Package
- Price: Singleton: £200 / twins +£100
3rd Trimester Package
- Price: Singleton: £200 / twins +£100
Complete Care Package
- Price: Singleton: £490 / twins +£100
Nuchal: The nuchal scan is the original basis for screening for Down’s Syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. The Nuchal Translucency (NT) is fluid under the skin at the back of baby’s neck which is measured as a means to identify potentially high-risk pregnancies. In order to get the optimal risk assessment, NT screening used in isolation to screen for chromosomal risk is best performed in the hands of experts who specialise in screening for chromosomal abnormalities.
Anatomy: The anomaly scan is performed to check the structural development and growth of the baby. It is best performed between 18 – 24 weeks, ideally 20+ weeks. The anomaly scan is discussed with you throughout your scan and we encourage you to ask questions during the process. All the results will be discussed with you at the end and you will have time to ask questions so that you can go home feeling reassured. Price: Singleton: £250 / twins +£100
Cervical Risk Assessment (20 – 26 weeks): Preterm birth, a serious complication in pregnancy, occurs in 6-8% of women. The risk of spontaneous preterm birth increases as the length of the cervix (neck of the womb) decreases. This screening allows estimation of risks for spontaneous preterm birth from a combination of previous obstetric history and measurement of cervical length at 20-26 weeks. The measurement is performed by transvaginal ultrasound and identifies women at increased risk of spontaneous preterm birth. Must be booking in conjunction with a pregnancy scan. Price: +£100
Vasa Previa: Sometimes life-threatening conditions can remain under the radar, surfacing only when it’s too late to prevent disaster. Undetected vasa praevia has a very high risk of stillbirth. Occurring in 1 in 3000 pregnancies. Ultrasound diagnosis is that the umbilical vessels, unsupported by either the umbilical cord or placental tissue, traverse the fetal membranes of the lower segment above the cervix. Using transvaginal ultrasound and colour Doppler ultrasound can often make the diagnosis. Risk factors include multiple pregnancies, IVF conceptions (1 in 300) and low lying placenta in the second trimester. Must be booking in conjunction with a pregnancy scan. Price: £+100
Pregnancy Outcome Survey:
We continually strive to monitor the quality of our service to ensure we improve if and where necessary and we would be very grateful if you would please complete the following pregnancy outcome form.
NIPT Feedback Survey:
We want to know if we have given you a good service, What were our strong points but also how could we do better. We would be very grateful if you would please complete the following NIPT feedback survey form.