About Testes or scrotal Scans

Testicular or scrotal ultrasound is usually the first line method for examining the testicles and surrounding tissues.

If you are experiencing any pain in the testicle then it is very important to check it out. Also, if you feel a lump then ultrasound will certainly be able to see if there is a real problem or whether this is a normal occurrence.

The scan will evaluate the size, shape and condition of the testes, Epididymis and surrounding sac.

Price: £130
TESTIS e2eb7fc5 320w

About The Scans

Testicular or scrotal ultrasound is usually the first line method for examining the testicles and surrounding tissues. If you are experiencing any pain in the testicle then it is very important to check it out. Also, if you feel a lump then ultrasound will certainly be able to see if there is a real problem or whether this is a normal occurrence. The scan will evaluate the size, shape and condition of the testes, Epididymis and
surrounding sac.