Pregnancy Scanning

Test Price (Singleton/Twin) Gestation (weeks) Report Printed Images 3D/4D
Pregnancy Scan £80 / £120 6 to 23 Yes 4 myfree4Dview
Anytime Pregnancy Scan £60 / £100 9 to 36 Yes 2 No
Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) from: £250 / £410 9+ Yes 4 No
Nuchal Scan (NT) 1st Trimester Screening £200 / £260 11 to 13+6 Yes 4 No
Gender Scan or Gender Reveal Scan £80 / £120 16 Yes 4 myfree4Dview
Anomaly Scan £150 / £190 20 Yes 4 myfree4Dview
Growth & Well-being Scan £80 / £120 24+ Yes 4 myfree4Dview
4D Growth & Well-being scan £80 / £120 24+ Yes 4 my4Dview
4D Anytime £60 / £100 24 to 30 Yes 2 my4Dview
Take 4 Pregnancy Packages from: £200 / £300 6 to 42 Yes 4 myfree4Dview
this is my : baby Service Prices
Routine Pregnancy Scans
Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) inc. scan (9+ weeks) from £300
Pregnancy Scans inc early, growth, well-being, placenta, presentation (6 - 42 weeks) £80
Gender Scan or Gender Reveal Scan (16+ weeks) £80
4D Scans £80
Anytime Scan inc opt 4D (8 - 42 weeks) £60
Add TWIN to pregnancy scans + £40
Pregnancy Packages
1st Trimester Package (4 scans before 14 weeks) £200
All Trimester Package (4 scans at weeks 8 | 16 | 28 | 36) £200
3rd Trimester Package (4 scans @ weeks 24 | 28 | 32 | 36) £200
Complete Care Package ( 8 | NIFTY standard | 4D@28 | 34) £490
Add TWIN to pregnancy package + £100
Other Pregnancy Scans
Nuchal Scan (NT) 1st Trimester Screening (11 - 13+6 weeks) £250
Anomaly Scan (20+ weeks) £250
Cervical Length Screening (requires additional trans-vaginal scan) + £100
Vasa Previa Screening (requires additional trans-vaginal scan) + £100
Add TWIN to other scans + £40
Additional Options
USB images + £20
Heartbeat Bear (+ 16 weeks) + £25

Additional Pregnancy & Genetic Services

Other Pregnancy Related Services
Inherited Carrier Gene Screening £400
Cervical Length Screening £+80
Vasa Previa £+80
Additional Service Options
Capture the Moment Images on USB (additional multiple images and AVI video loops on memory USB device) £20
Heart Beat Bear £20
Gender Reveal Heart Beat Bear £30

Further Information

Should you wish to confirm the gender / sex of your baby we will do this for you FREE of charge with all our scans provided you are at least 16+ weeks at your appointment.

We are happy for you to record your scan FREE of charge on your smart phone or tablet.

Cervical Length and Vasa Previa Screening must be booked with a pregnancy scan

myfree4Dview gives you a free optional glimpse of your baby in 4D scan mode (dependent on baby being in a good 4D position) my4Dview is a scan specifically booked to look at your baby in 4D scan mode

sportsmedicine 1
this is my : sports medicine Service Prices
Sports Medicine Ultrasound
Musculoskeletal (MSK) inc; lumps & bumps £130
Initial assessment (60 mins) £60
Follow up treatment (30 mins) £50
Sports massage (30 mins / 45 mins / 60 mins) £35/45/55
Musculoskeletal Podiatry
Initial assessment (60 mins) £90
Custom-made in soles (made in-house whilst you wait) from £60
3D Gait Analysis
Full assessment gait analysis, assessment and exercise report (90 mins) £195
Podiatry Treatments
Morton's neuroma foot injection £98
MTP Injection £98
Ultrasound Scan prices
Abdominal £130
Renal £130
Pelvic £130
Aorta £60
Testes or Scrotal £130
Small Parts £130
Vascular inc Carotid & DVT £130
Musculoskeletal (inc Lumps & Bumps) £130
Genetic Screen Prices
BGI VISTA MINI Panel (11 genes for diseases inc FXS) £400
BGI VISTA TARGETED Panel (155 genes for diseases inc Alef8, CF, SMA, FXS) £600
BGI Fragile X Carrier Screening £150
this is my : fertility Prices
General Pelvic Ultrasound £130
Testicular Ultrasound £130
Endometrial Ultrasound £130
Follicle Tracking £130
AMH £150
General Fertility Bloods, inc; progesterone, HCG, blood group & others from £60
Pregnancy Tests: HCG blood sample £60
Phlebotomy Service £40

Deposits and Cancellations

At the time of booking your appointment, a deposit of £80 will be taken, leaving the balance of the test outstanding to be paid on the day of your appointment.

If you need to change your appointment please call us as soon as possible to reschedule.

Full cancellation of an appointment with at least 48 hours prior notice will incur a £5 administrative fee and the remaining deposit will be refunded.

For cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice, no deposit will be refunded.